Echeveria Verrugas


Another wonderful hybrid variety by Dick Wright, this Echeveria is one of the very ‘bumpy’ varieties out there. It begins with no signs of lumps and bumps but slowly, as it matures, you will soon see more lumps and bumps appearing. Not only does it grow bumps but also it will occasionally change shape. The leaves will begin to curl down when the plant is preparing to flower (in my experience). Colours will go from a soft blue through to bright pink and purple flushes. 

The flower stem will start to form in summer (it’s growth season) and will be in full bloom by mid autumn. You can propagate via beheading (this is more effective than from leaf for the bumpy and frilly varieties). Always use a sterile knife or cutters when beheading any of your succulents to avoid disease. Keep the stem potted and allow the ‘head’ to callus for at least two weeks before replanting. A very effective way of knowing when to replant is to place the head in a plastic pot, ensuring the leaves hold the plant upright for the entirety of its callusing time. You will see roots appearing after a few weeks and then will be able to replant with no issues. It is best to behead in summer in their growth season but you can also behead early autumn if need be. I have had no issues with any of my bumpy or frilly varieties with mealy bugs or aphids but it always pays to check in between the leaves and stem for any signs of pests.

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