

Pachyveria are a hybrid species that are a cross between a Pachyphytum and an Echeveria. Colour and shape of each vary greatly. Only a few have been documented however there are more varieties created every year. Keep an eye out for new hybrids at your local plant show/event.

Pachyveria Varieties

Pachyveria Powder Puff

Also known as Pachyveria ‘Exotica’, Powder Puff is as its name suggests very ‘powdery.’ It has quite a lot of farina coating (epicuticular wax) which

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Pachyveria Clavifolia

Also commonly known as ‘Jeweled Crown’ Pachyveria Clavifolia is another cross between an Echeveria and Pachyphytum, specifically pachyphytum bracteosum and Echeveria Rosea. The stems can

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