

Euphorbias are sometimes mistaken for cactus in the more stemmed succulent varieties.

All Euphorbias secrete a milky white latex sap. The sap is highly poisonous to pets and humans so it is important to be aware of where you plant them and ensure you are wearing the right protective gear when trimming them or repotting. It is best to wear gloves that are highly coated so the sap cannot penetrate into your skin. I also wear eyewear when trimming my firesticks as you never know if a little sprinkle of sap could get into your eyes.

This genus is extremely diverse, it is not limited to succulent varieties and can be found all over the world. Some common succulent type Euphorbias include African Milk Tree (Euphorbia Trigona), Crown of Thorns (Euphorbia Milii), Euphorbia Flanaganii (Medusa’s Head) and many many more. An example of a non-succulent Euphorbia is Cotoniflora (Tropical Smoke Bush), a beautiful red leafed tree native to India.

Euphorbia Varieties