My Little Goth Succulent Rose


A unique journal style post that shows just how Aeoniums grow over the course of their lives. I have documented my Chocolate Rose growth over the course of one year, I hope you enjoy reading!


March 2017 – Her Beginnings

My little goth succulent rose. She grew from an ugly but interesting little plant, purchased from Bunnings in March 2017. The first year she didn’t really grow so much as I had no idea where she would be best positioned in the garden. She received mostly filtered sun all day.


March 2018 – New Growth


An entire year passed and she had not grown much bigger at all. In March 2018 she was moved to my front garden bed (I waited for her summer dormancy to end before moving her), receiving full sun up to 1pm every day. Slowly my little goth decided she liked her position and was rewarding me with signs of significant growth.


August 2018


From March through to August, my little goth succulent rose was focussing her energy growing her many new stems and developing multiple rosettes.


September 2018


September was definitely her best month, she had never shined so brightly. Her stems were still green and soft, showing that she had more potential to grow before entering into her summer dormancy period. She was not so little anymore!


November 2018


November she began shutting down for the summer. Her leaves shortening and closing in on themselves to protect her from the harsh summer sun. The leaves then slowly falling one by one and as they did, the once green stem and arms hardened off. She is now well and truely in her dormancy period and will not show signs of awakening till March rolls around once again.


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