Adrian Antonio Features on Gardening Australia


Recently I learned a member of a succulent Facebook group I am heavily involved in, Adrian Antonio Peake, was going to be featured on Gardening Australia. Adrian is a great influencer on social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram. Two years ago I introduced myself to him as we had both purchased 3-tier stands from Aldi. He had posted his ‘finished product’ but I was unable to as mine was defective and fell apart after assembly. I was so disappointed I contacted him and we had a great chat. Two years down the track he has created a name for himself, running the Facebook groups ‘CRAZY OUTDOOR PLANT PEOPLE’ and ‘For the Love of Succulents’ and even has a website dedicated to TALAVERA pots and garden ornaments.

After winning competitions at plant shows and gaining exposure for his wonderful skill set as an artistic succulent arrangement guru, Adrian was approached by Gardening Australia and they have recently filmed him in his oasis (his beautiful backyard). Adrian has a passion for succulents, starting from a very young age he has been collecting succulents and has a fantastic way of displaying them and creating a warm and inviting environment. A segment was also added where Adrian shows you how to cook and prepare edible succulents such as prickly pear (nopales), Aloe Vera juice and more.

We all know how great Gardening Australia is and I think any succulent addict who is keen on learning more about edible succulents or just to get some inspiration for your next succulent garden project should make sure to watch tonight, 7:30 on the ABC!

The featured image is my native pigface. Spring is a great time for these edible succulents, you can cook them, add them to a salad or eat the fruit as native originals have used for eons as a food source. They are also very attractive to bees which means you are feeding them and encouraging pollinators into your garden which is a win win!

My passion for design both in my garden and graphics has lead me to create my own range of clothing and decor for the succulent addict. All images are photographed from my very own garden and applied to fabric and decor designs. Find me on Instagram and Facebook

Erica Schmerbeck

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