Orbea Variegata Seed Pods


Stapelia an Orbea are summer active succulents, flowering all through the season. Once flowering has ended, seed pods sometimes appear. After several years of no seed pods, I’ve finally spotted 2 very large pods on my main plant. The pods are at least 8cm high and around 1.5cm wide and contain tiny furry seeds (or so I’m told) that can be used to grow brand new plants. Propogating Orbea from seed is a delicate procedure. It involves protecting the seeds from any extreme temperatures and removing it from full sun once planted in your favourite cactus potting mix. The pot you have planted the seed pods in will then need to be watered in and covered with a plastic bag to retain moisture for the first part of the process. I am still waiting for the pods to open on their own as you do not want to force them to open by squeezing them or any other method. I will keep you all up to date with my seed pod progress!

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