Echeveria Imbricata


Sometimes referred to as ‘Blue Rose Echeveria’ , Echeveria Imbricata is one of the most prolific growers and bloomers of its genus. 

Commonly developing flower clusters of pink and yellow in late spring to early summer, my Imbricata has been flowering non-stop throughout the summer, almost into autumn. The leaf colouring can be anything from a soft sky blue colour to more green-blue in it’s growing season (summer).

Echeveria Imbricata responds well to a good ‘head chop’ when the stem begins to grow too long. Leaving one leaf below the cutting and the stem in the pot/ground can encourage multiple pups to form. I have successfully propagated from early winter head chops with new pups appearing on the original stems mid winter, making this a very hardy Echeveria.

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