Kalanchoe Beharensis (Oak Leaf)


The texture of this plant is its main feature, with many succulents displaying more of a ‘shiny’ appearance it creates a great contrast in any large garden bed. It has hairy felt like leaves that are soft to the touch. The leaf colour changes dramatically as it grows, from grey/blue shades in its growth season (winter) through to gold/brown as the leaves age and become more sun hardy.

This Kalanchoe will grow into a small tree, standing at up to 3.6m tall, it is one of the larger Kalanchoe varieties. It can take up to three years for the plant to grow to its full potential, and the same to actually bloom. I’ve had mine for a little over 3 years, finally it is developing blooms for the first time. It’s flowers will be fully developed by the end of winter, early spring. The flowers are quite similar to that of Kalanchoe tomentosa (also commonly known as ‘Panda plant’).

Beharensis is sometimes prone to scale or fungal conditions, so be sure to place it in well draining soil in a morning sun/ afternoon shade location as afternoon sun can cause the leaves to burn in summer. I have never found any of my hairy Kalanchoes to encounter aphids when blooming which is a nice little selling point for this little succulent tree-like shrub!

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