Rhipsalis Pilocarpa Loefgr. (Hairy Stemmed)


Pilocarpa is a gorgeous succulent plant, growing up to 40cm long with dark green stems (purple/red stems when exposed to more sun).

Most Rhipsalis flower in mid winter to early spring, inflorescence starting to show early winter. After flowering the plant may produce little red coloured fruit. The stems are hairy however soft to the touch as are all Rhipsalis.

It is best kept in a hanging basket so it can drape down. Keep all Rhipsalis away from direct sunlight, as they are ‘jungle cacti’ they are best suited to indirect light under a tree or roof structure. Ensure it gets a good amount of indirect light if you want it to bloom, sunlight is essential to all plants for blooming purposes.

Do not let Pilocarpa dry out completely between watering in summer as they will shrivel, water at least every 2 weeks in winter (give it a really good soaking but ensure the pot is well draining).

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